Pursuing our objectives is something that VEAES members have always taken seriously

We recognize that all members need to be involved in order to seek the improvements needed in the working and learning conditions in our school communities.

The Annual General Meeting (GM) is the sovereign body of VEAES. Policies established at an AGM may only be changed or rescinded at an AGM. The VEAES AGM shall be held not later than May 30th of each year. The business of the AGM shall be: receipt of reports, receipt of financial statements, nomination of officers, election of officers, election of standing committee chairpersons, appointment of auditor, and general business.

General Meetings and Special General Meetings, at which business of an executive character shall be transacted, shall be held at the call of the President or the Executive Committee as regards time and place. Each year there shall be two General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, one of which shall be held in the spring term. The dates of most General Meetings shall be announced in advance each September. Policies established at a General Meeting may only be changed or rescinded at a General Meeting or at an AGM. Other General Meetings may be called by the president or by the Executive Committee, as necessary with two weeks notice given.  Staff Representative Assemblies occur once per month, and voting is conducted by proportional representation (based on membership count at individual worksites).

Decisions made by a Staff Representative Assembly may only be changed or rescinded at a Staff Representative Assembly, or at a General Meeting, or at an AGM.  The Executive Committee directs and supervises the business and conducts the affairs of the VEAES The Executive Committee meets at least two times per month during the school year. Decisions made by the Executive Committee meeting may be changed or rescinded at an Executive Committee meeting, a Staff Representative Assembly, or at a General Meeting, or at an AGM.


  • To Promote the welfare of members;
  • To raise, by united effort, the status of the teacher profession;
  • To promote the interests of education;
  • To co-operate with other bodies in the advancement of the forgoing objectives;
  • To represent the association’s members and to regulate relations with their employer through collective bargaining of terms and conditions of employment.