Welcome to New Members

VEAES holds a Welcome event for members new to teaching or to the district, usually on an annual or semi-annual basis. The event provides an opportunity to meet the members of the VEAES Executive, learn about our Committee structures and connect with other new teachers.  Attendees are also given a free membership to a BCTF Provincial Specialist Association (PSA) of their choosing. For details on when these events will occur, please watch for announcements in the VEAES Weekly.

Join a Committee

While the Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing most of the business of the local, VEAES’s standing committees play an important role in organizing activities for members, strategizing around issues, and advising the Executive Committee on a variety of topics.

The Standing Committees are also great places for members to get involved! Contact the chairperson of the standing committee you’re interested in to find out more!

Attend a General Meeting

General Meetings and Special General Meetings, at which business of an executive character shall be transacted, shall be held at the call of the President or the Executive Committee as regards time and place. Each year there shall be two General Meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, one of which shall be held in the spring term. The dates of most General Meetings shall be announced in advance each September. Policies established at a General Meeting may only be changed or rescinded at a General Meeting or at an AGM. Other General Meetings may be called by the president or by the Executive Committee, as necessary with two weeks notice given.

All members are welcome to attend a General Meeting and voice and vote at these meetings. Votes at General Meetings may determine VEAES policy on issues. It’s a great way to have your say!

Attend a Staff Rep Assembly

Staff Representative Assemblies occur once per month, and voting is conducted by proportional representation (based on membership count at individual worksites). Decisions made by a Staff Representative Assembly may only be changed or rescinded at a Staff Representative Assembly, or at a General Meeting, or at an AGM.

Everyone is welcome to attend a Staff Rep Assembly. Only Staff Reps can vote at a Staff Rep Assembly but every member has a voice and can speak at these meetings.

Attend an Executive Committee Meeting

The Executive Committee directs and supervises the business and conducts the affairs of the VEAES. The Executive Committee meets at least twice per month during the school year. Decisions made by the Executive Committee meeting may be changed or rescinded at an Executive Committee meeting, a Staff Representative Assembly, or at a General Meeting, or at an AGM.

Everyone is welcome to attend an Executive Committee meeting. Important issues are discussed and voted on. Members have voice but no vote at an EC meeting.

Attend the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (GM) is the sovereign body of VEAES. Policies established at an AGM may only be changed or rescinded at an AGM. The VEAES AGM shall be held not later than May 30th of each year. The business of the AGM shall be: receipt of reports, receipt of financial statements, nomination of officers, election of officers, election of standing committee chairpersons, appointment of auditor, and general business.


There are a variety of professional and educational opportunities available for BCTF members. Check the BCTF’s list of opportunities to find their current offerings.