Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, subject to decisions made and directions set by General Meetings and Staff Rep Assemblies, oversees the business of VEAES, and exercises the powers of the local on behalf of the membership.
Members are elected by the VEAES Annual General Meeting to serve on the Executive Committee for a one-year term. Minutes of all Executive Committee meetings are distributed to all worksites via Staff Reps.
2024-2025 VEAES Executive Committee
President: Marjorie Dumont marjorie@veaes.ca
Vice-President: Xander Graham xander@veaes.ca
Vice-President/Grievance Officer: Vanessa Lefebvre vanessa@veaes.ca
Vice-President: Greg Canning greg@veaes.ca
Vice-President: Karine Ng karine@veaes.ca
Vice-President: (part-time): Eric Proulx eric@veaes.ca
Secretary Treasurer: Jody Polukoshko jody@veaes.ca
Local Reps to the BCTF
Natasha Burditt natasha@veaes.ca
Bernadette Milton bernadette@veaes.ca
Khaled Shawwash khaled@veaes.ca
Local Rep (AE): Vacant
Alternate: Ramatoulaye Balde rama@veaes.ca
Members at Large
Japleen Gill japleen@veaes.ca
Chloe McKnight chloe@veaes.ca
Ariella Menashy ariella@veaes.ca
Deborah Tin Tun deborah@veaes.ca
Designated position for a member who identifies as a person of colour – Ramatoulaye Balde rama@veaes.ca
Standing Committee Chairpersons
Aboriginal Ed Committee: Jennifer Sebastian jennifer@veaes.ca
Communications Committee: Vacant
Health & Safety Committee: Danielle Durant danielle@veaes.ca
Professional Issues Committee: Vacant
Social Justice & Solidarity Committee: Elaine Ong: elaine@veaes.ca
Social Justice & Solidarity Committee: Madalene Wong madalene@veaes.ca
Teachers on Call Committee: Vacant
WLC/Bargaining Committee: Elsa Medina elsa@veaes.ca
Adult Ed Sub-Local
President: Rob McGowan rob@veaes.ca
Area Counsellors: Leslie MacKenzie
Gifted Education: Vacant
LATA: Vacant
Psychologists: Larissa Jackson, Katie Cooper-Smith
Speech Language Pathologists: Anna Stroemich
Teacher-Librarians: Bryan Doolan
Technology: Vacant