Communications Committee
Chairperson: Vacant
VEAES invites you to join the Communications Committee and/or attend meetings, held once a month from 4-5:30 pm.
Terms of Reference for the Communications Committee
The Terms of Reference for the Communications Committee are:
a. to analyze current communications procedures and to recommend ways to facilitate and improve communication between the membership and the VEAES executive.
b. to analyze current communication practices and to recommend ways to facilitate and improve communication between:
VEAES and the Vancouver School Board
VEAES and the BC Teachers’ Federation
VEAES and other locals of the BCTF
VEAES and the community
c. to oversee the organization and use of the VEAES archives.
As the committee was amalgamated with the Political Action and Public Relations Committee in 1986, issues falling under that umbrella have been folded into our responsibilities as well.