Professional Issues

Committee Chair:  Vacant

VEAES is committed to defending teachers’ choices around professional development, and encourages its members to participate in professional development activities that are meaningful and worthwhile in furthering their understandings of teaching and learning.

The Professional Development Committee helps organize school union rep training for school-based pro-d chairs, organizes after-school professional development activities for members, and advises the Executive Committee on issues related to professional development.

VEAES invites you to join the Professional Issues Committee and/or attend meetings, held once a month from 4 – 5:30 pm.

Terms of Reference for Professional Issues Committee

Professional Issues Committee
VESTA Policy Handbook


24. Professional Development / Professional Issues
B. Terms of Reference

1. The role of the VESTA Professional Issues Committee is to assist teachers in:

a. continuing to improve the quality of teaching practices
b. examining the purposes of education and of why schools exist
c. pursuing self-directed professional development
d. advocating for rights and responsibilities of students and teachers.

1985 May 14 Exec
2015 Oct 13 Exec

2. Professional Issues Committee responsibilities:

a. Provide advice to the VESTA Executive Committee and Professional Development chairpersons on professional issues.
b. Promote and support school-based PD activities that arise from an assessment of the teachers’ needs and concerns.
c. Initiate and collaboratively plan PD activities at the area or district level.
d. Provide the membership with information about BCTF grants and services, and local funding available for PD activities.
e. Promote control of PD activities and funding through the collective agreement to address professional development needs.
f. Maintain regular contact with PD liaison teachers and assist them with staff Needs Assessments and PD planning.
g. Have representation on:

i. VTF/VSB Joint Professional Development Committee
ii. BCTF Metro West Zone meetings
iii. Working and Learning Conditions/Bargaining Committee (VESTA, VTF)

2014 Nov 5 Exec

3. That the terms of reference for the VTF/VSB contractual Professional Development Committee be:

a. To advise on district plans, priorities and budgets in professional and staff development.
b. To provide advice to schools around funding issues e.g., a general picture of what’s available, an outline of current funding allocations and structures for supporting PD activities.

1995 Apr 06 Exec

School-Based Professional Development Committee

The school-based Professional Development Committee is run for, and by teachers.  The committee is chaired by a teacher. The school Administrative Officer is an ex-officio member. Schools may choose to invite Support Staff to Professional Development meetings, but they are non-voting members and they have access to separate funds.  We encourage teachers from different roles (i.e. primary, intermediate, non-enrolling) to participate in the committee.  The Pro-D committee votes (1 vote per committee member) on recommendations to take to the Staff Committee for final approval.

VBE/VESTA/VSTA Joint Statement on Self-Directed Professional Development

We agree with the following points with respect to self- directed professional development activities: Self-Directed Pro D has a valuable role to play in the full complement of a teacher’s professional development. Teachers have a professional responsibility to plan for their Self-Directed Pro D. A written plan will be submitted to the School Pro D Committee in advance of a Pro D day (suggested about two weeks prior). A timeline will be proposed by the School Pro D Committee and approved by the School Staff Committee.

The Administrator is a member of the Pro D Committee and has access to those plans. We also agree there are principles which outline best practices for professional development,  both self-directed and staff organized. These are outlined in the VSB/VTF Pro D Handbook and in a variety of BCTF documents. There are also a variety of resources available to assist in planning in the VSB/VTF Pro D Handbook and documents created by VSTA and VESTA. Agreed to in Spring 2008 at the district Professional Development Committee.